A Flexible, Accredited, Hybrid School

We believe every child is unique. That children should learn in ways that meet their needs. And that you want the best for your child. MAGE Hybrid Learning gives you the freedom to personalise their education so they can realise their potential.

Study Online with MAGE Today

The learning experience and global learning community at MAGE is like no other. Our flexible and affordable cambridge international curriculum is built around student needs and interests. Welcome to the online international education that makes your child a true global citizen . Enrolling now for ages 5 – 16.

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Grade 1-4 | Ages 5-11


Designed for students aged 5 to 11 years, our primary online school is focused on developing the child as a whole.

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Grade 5-8 | Ages 11-14


Students aged 11-14 are taught by subject specialists who provide essential leadership in academic and pastoral areas.

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Grade 9-10 | Ages 14-16


Students aged 14-16 choose from a range of subjects which they then study for two years before attempting their IGCSE exams.

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Grade 11-12 | Ages 16-19

A Level

Designed for active and curious A Level students, our College prepares students for their A-Levels as well as progression to future careers and study.

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Why should I choose MAGE Hybrid Learning?

MAGE Hybrid learning is unique in its flexibility, approach and accessibility. Teacher guided highly interactive self-learning platforms allows students to progress in their learning helping them to pursue their interests and passion.

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As a parent, What is my role?

As a parent, you (or another responsible adult) serve as your child's Learning Coach. You'll work with your child's teacher to ensure student's Learning progress, identify preferences and monitor mastery of lessons and assessments. Primary students need considerable Learning Coach support. In middle and secondary level , students work more independently and the Learning Coach role transitions to one of oversight.

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